It's the tail end of naptime around here, which means that my 4 year old is up and bouncing around looking for something to eat (are 4 year old boys CONSTANTLY hungry, or just CONSTANTLY bored and wanting to eat, or both? haha), and the baby is cooing on a blanket. The 2 year old remains asleep, and that makes the house still seem quiet.
So yeah, a lot has happened since my last update. I was 9 weeks pregnant at the time, and just at the beginning of a tough pregnancy. I was sick, sick, sick for about 2 1/2 months, and blogging majorly fell to the wayside, along with almost everything else. It was survival mode. Parenting two active boys from the couch is virtually impossible, but somehow we all made it out alive. FOOD felt like my enemy and yet here was a growing family that constantly needed to eat. Gracious. We did a lot of convenience food and take out and hired a cleaning lady (because it defeats the purpose of cleaning the bathroom if the task only makes you have to puke). Thankfully, that was the worst of it. I had some back issues for the rest of the pregnancy, and my chiropractor and physical therapist were lifesavers. So, so grateful for good health insurance!
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At 41 weeks pregnant with Lore'...I ended up being induced that night! |
Lore' is 7 months old now and crawling. She's such a little baby, and it still surprises me to find her scooting around the house like she knows what she's doing! Sloooooow down already. :)
I am in the mom-of-three-kids adjustment phase. There is not enough time to get everything done, just enough time to love the people God has given me. Pursuing Jesus and loving well are my focus right now. It is a sweet time of life. I do find myself inadequate often, failing often, and getting sensory overloaded in a house full of two active boys and a baby. And that quickly brings me around to the fact that this is not about ME, and God is working in all the weaknesses I have.
In other news, I had a blogging mishap. I lost my domain (aliciashomemaking . com)! It was on autorenewal and through a series of errors (changed email address, changed method of payment), I missed my renewal and didn't realize it until after someone else bought the domain. So we are back to my old address ( until I purchase a new domain. Most likely, new blog name coming soon! I do not have big plans for a regular blogging schedule, but hope to always be able to come back to this blog whenever I want to. Excuse the dust while I fix old links that are now dead. If you are having trouble finding a link to a recipe or anything, let me know. :)
On social media, the most reliable way to keep up with me is through Instagram (I'm @aliciashomemaking). Would love to see you there. Until next time!