Thursday, March 24, 2011

Instagram {Try New Adventures Thursday!}

Instagram Collage copy

Admittedly, our little family is a little slow catching up to the 21st century at times. Case in point: we received our first ever Apple product at Christmas, when Andrew was given an iTouch (which he will need for school).

Which leads to this week's new adventure....I discovered Instagram! A fun little iPhone/iTouch camera app that lets you easily add character/editing to your random phone pictures. It has been sweet to easily chronicle some family moments this week...

1. A picture with my hubby (he was at his desk, studying) over the weekend.
2. Flowers! When Spring comes, I switch out my candles for flowers in the house. So cheerful!
3. Squishy, cozy on the couch, looking at his books ("Bu!" in his language).
4. My little helper, standing on his step-stool.
5. A family walk to the mailbox (a tradition!).
6. Andrew and Squishy in their "fort" under Andrew's desk.
7. My boys in stripes.
8. Flowers hanging in front of our local grocery store.
9. Exchanging smiles with my little boy...he was happy to be in the car going "bye-bye!"

I think phones with cameras are brilliant (though a bit luxuriant!). Do you use one?

It's Thursday, so link up your adventures for Try New Adventures Thursday below! Link directly to your blog post, link back to Alicia's Homemaking, and then visit the other participants and leave some thoughtful comments! :) Our hashtag on twitter is #TryNewAdventures.



  1. Fun pictures! I love instagram. My phone has a camera on it, but it is nothing fancy. Jon has an iPhone and we've enjoyed using the instagram feature {the latest picture of me and H on my blog was with instagram}.

  2. Cute pics! Your fam is just darling! Hubby has an iPhone from work, and he bought an i docking station (charger/clock...), but that's about all the "i" stuff we have.

    And do I spy a KitchenAid stand mixer back there?

  3. Haha, Joyce! You are so good! Yes, my mother gave me her old KitchenAid at Christmas when she got a new one! Right after I was being all snotty about using my trusty handheld mixer.
    And I must admit, I'm enjoying it ever so much. *sheepish*

  4. I love all of the pictures! And I, too, noticed the Kitchen Aid... and the STRAWBERRIES! :)

  5. Cool pics! I used to have a phone with a camera, but then I ran over it with the minivan. I never sprang for a cord to download the pics I took anyway. My replacement phone is very basic. No camera included.

    However, I am saving up swagbucks to replace my point-and-shoot for another one with a macro setting. Thanks for your camera and photo tips a while back!

  6. What cute pictures! We don't have any Instagram-capable devices, although we have a few apple products. Dexter does graphic design, so its kind of essential for him.

  7. I adore picture #5. What a sweet tradition!

  8. I might be getting my first iphone soon. I was just telling someone today how then I could stop using EVERYONE else's iphone to take pictures (dad, hubby, friends, church acquaintances) I am not kidding. If there is a moment happening I use someone's iphone to get a quick pic and then I email it to myself. Anyway, all that to say that if I did have a decent camera phone I would definitely use it. And instagram is so cool.

  9. Photo number 9 warms my heart just so much. Oh my goodness, that face.

  10. I love #6 and #9 in your instagram photos! I am going to try this app on my iphone!

  11. Julia, the macro setting is awesome. On my old point and shoot I felt like I almost always had the macro setting on. You really can do a lot with a point and shoot camera these days. :)

    Aunt learned how to comment!!! <3 you.

  12. You have such an adorable family and the pictures are just so sweet.My phone has a camera but I never use it.I always have my Cannon or Nikon in my purse with me so I am assured of getting good clear shots.

  13. Great photos! I think number 5 might be my favorite. I am addicted to instagram and most of my phone photos are now taken using it. I also have to admit to loving my iPhone even though I fought it for years.


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