This month has been filled with busy days for us. Andrew is out the door by 5:30 am and comes back through it scrub and white coat clad (with the occasional sighting of blood) at around 7 pm.
So it's been just Squish and me, getting into a routine and learning to make use of days that seem to stretch out very far. With a restless 1 1/2 year old boy, I've been working hard to find adventures in the every day. This month we:
Had our 1st baking lesson (which looks very tame in the picture, but actually resulted in yeast water everywhere).
On one (thunderless) rainy afternoon, we played in the rain. And, notably, in the puddles. Sidenote: Those little rainboots have been priceless. Perfect for this age..and many other ages, I'm sure.
Made pillow forts...
And yesterday, I bravely conquered Squishy's too-long hair and gave him a haircut. No, this was not a happy adventure. It involved many tears and one almost-punctured eye. I think next time I'm retiring this job to the pros, because the eye incident freaked me out. However, we amended for the traumatic morning by having a lunch date at Chick-fil-A. And snuggles before naptime. {I want to ingrain these snuggles in my brain and heart forever!}
On the domestic front, I've been a little crazy. I've busted out the water-bath canner twice this week! On Sunday, I tackled 14 lbs of peaches and canned them (which, by the way, makes about 4 1/2 quart-sized jars of canned peaches, tightly packed). Then on Monday, I followed that up with making peach honey from the left-over peelings. Just an takes at least an hour for the juice/sugar solution to reach "honey consistency" (and that was after I added pectin). Perhaps I'll do a whole post on it and give you all the details! Pictured above are also some of the pears I canned last week, and one random jar of strawberry jam (the last one left!).
Today is Andrew's last day on trauma surgery rotation, so we are really looking forward to more family time...and more time hanging out with others as a family.
What adventures have you been up to lately? Link your blog post up here, link back to Alicia's Homemaking, and then leave some comment love for some of the other participants.
Sounds like another busy month for your little family. If nothing else, it's going to make December come here fast! :)
ReplyDeleteWhew what a busy month! I love the snuggling photos and know exactly what you mean about trying to ingrain them. Every night I hold Archer after he falls asleep and pray that I never forget what it's like-so sweet!
ReplyDeleteI'd like to read your post about the peach honey; it sounds delicious! Sounds like you've been busy canning too. You know I really enjoy doing it even though it's hard with two little ones under foot. It is so rewarding to see the products of your labor and to know you made them, not Kroger!
ReplyDeleteAlso, I am relatively new here, but I love the New Adventures idea because it is getting me to try new things I would ordinarily never do. Thanks and blessings to you and your family...
Wow- you have been one busy momma:) Your little one is getting so big and looks like he is having a blast "helping". Thank you so much for doing the Try New Adventures Thursday- they have gotten me out of my shell and gotten me to try new things. Have a blessed week~ Theresa
ReplyDeleteAwwww! I LOVE his rain boots!!!! So adorable!
ReplyDeletexoxo Marissa
Oh my gosh, those pictures are too great. I just want to squeeze squishy!! Today was too crazy, hopefully I'll join in on Try New Adventures next week.
ReplyDeleteI know! How have I not made choco chip cookies before? Here's the first time I baked cookies if you're wondering...
ReplyDeleteWow, that's a long day for your hubby...and you too! I'm glad you'll be getting some family time soon.
Yay for baking lessons! It's so cool to see their reaction once something goes from what they mixed to the finished goodies!
Yikes on the almost-punctured eye. I'm about to cut Melody's hair again tomorrow, but she's not a wiggly 1yo.
Have a good weekend.
I find it hilarious that your husband looks like my husband wearing glasses and your son looks like my nephew.