Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Spring Cleaning!

Otherwise known as "I need to take pictures of my house so we can rent it out!"

My husband reminded me that we need to take pictures of our place for our renting ad, and MAN, did that ever light a fire under me for cleaning! Do you ever step back and look at your house through the eyes of someone who has never seen it before? All of a sudden things which you haven't noticed in a while stick out like sore thumbs...that pile of clutter over there, the stack of books over here, et cetera.

And while I'm in cleaning mode, it seems that the blogosphere is with me! Life as Mom is hosting a Spring Clean Along and Money Saving Mom is hosting a Clear out the Clutter Challenge. We can all clean along with each other. The cleaning has to be done...might as well have fun doing it!

So I ran around today and did lots of cleaning...and even more organizing. The main things I tackled were the living room and the office. I got rid of three things magazines in my living room purge and tossed many other things when I cleaned out the office. Here is a picture of the finished living room (sorry, I didn't think to take a "before" picture):

In the office I got up all the random papers lying about (there were a LOT) and I organized my recipe binder and ALL my coupons. It took forever....probably because I hadn't organized my coupons in over 2 months. *sheepish*

Meanwhile, my husband painted some long neglected doors, which was great (thanks, hunny!).

I'll keep you updated on my progress as I clean along with fellow bloggers. My house needs to get clean, organized, and then eventually, packed up!



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