Thursday, August 16, 2012

Why I Don't Blog Much Lately

It's funny how we can't get used to the fact that life has seasons. By the time you have one "figured out," you are ushered into a new one. So incredibly good for us, but bittersweet and unsettling at the same time. And yet perfectly crafted by God's genius.

8 o'clock. Some #hellomornings, a little boy and his oatmeal, and the laundry pile. #photoadayaug

I am in the motherhood-is-God's-bootcamp season. My flabby attitudes and self-dependencies are showing up like unwelcome pounds on the scale.

The everyday looks something like this:

Weekdays start (hopefully) an hour and a half before the boys are up. That time is filled with working out, showering, time with the Lord....and often one of the three somehow gets crowded out. A work in progress.

At 7:30--it's on, baby! Both boys are up, the toddler has an attitude about what's being served for breakfast and the baby is trying to ingest that small foreign body on the floor. Since Edmund's birth, I have dealt on and off with irrational anxiety (though isn't all fear irrational?), and the battle can biggest in the mornings. In those times, I'm holding onto God's truth, reminding myself of what His word says, His whispered love. Sometimes I text or call a friend and we pray. God is moving mountains in my heart as I've realized how afraid I have been of being broken or vulnerable. It's sweet to know that I am free to fail. God's world is not rocked.

LOVE how cheery the breakfast nook is in the morning. Can't wait to hang curtains!

The mornings FLY by. Sometimes we get out, or maybe I do housework and we play inside. Edmund is SO HAPPY and occupied now that he can crawl. He and Peter are entertaining each other more than ever...I love spotting Peter putting his big legoes together ("look, it's a rwocket, mommy!") with Edmund right next to him, chewing on his own lego (the big ones, of course!).

This boy is too big. Crawling, sitting in the big boy chair, eating solids like a champ. Did I mention crawling? #myheart #7months

Before we know it it's lunchtime (two boys eating at the table now! so fun) followed by naptime. Currently, there is only one hour in the afternoon when both boys are napping. In that time, I'll take a nap, catch up with a friend on the phone, or do housework that's difficult to accomplish when the boys are up. Maybe I'll take some "me" time and blog or edit pictures. Which typically translates to about one paragraph of a blog post written or 2 pictures edited by the time something else comes up. Sometimes one of my single girlfriends will come over for coffee while the boys sleep...which is a breath of fresh air!

Which brings me to another part of this season of life which I LOVE. Our lives are full of people. Sometimes folks drop by in the afternoon. Often there's a friend at the dinner table. One of the neighbors rings the doorbell. And then there are the close friends I keep in touch with over the telephone...not to mention our large families. This constant-flow-of-people aspect of our lives is an answered prayer, something we've hoped for in different seasons but haven't had. I'm really grateful for it. And it is such an awesome thing to have a house to host people in now!

The girls. Love these ladies. @abakidis @mrsdoyle512 @powersd64

The evenings are full of dinner, catching up as a family, clean-up, working in the (future) garden, walks, baths, books. If we don't have company, then there is approximately 1 hour of time after the boys are in bed/kitchen cleaned before Andrew and I start heading in the direction of our bed. Starting next week, Andrew will have to leave the house by 5:30 am for work, so we aim for a early bedtime.

Miracle photo of us all looking!! On the first try! Never mind that some our heads are cropped off, haha.

And that's a pretty accurate picture of "why I don't blog much lately." And I'm ok with it. I really enjoy the creative expression of blogging, IF flows with our life and can be put on the back-burner when needed. Which is why I am going to bring Try New Adventures Thursday to a sweet finish (or pause, or whatever) for now. Lately, if I have time to write a blog post, I've been desiring the freedom to write whatever and whenever I want. Too often I am pounding out a TNAT post on Wednesday night past bedtime, or on Thursday morning while the boys try to climb all over me or eat the ethernet cord.

And as long as I can keep the baby from drooling on the modem, this blog isn't going anywhere. I hope you won't, either...even if I pop in and out a bit unpredictably!

P.S. I am quieter on social media these days, but Instagram is the exception. If you want a daily dose of our adventures, follow me...I'm AliciasHomemaking. :) There are lots of chubby-cheeked-boy pictures to be had.

Oh that morning face! <3

 P.S. again: The WINNER of the year-subscription to ListPlanIt was comment #26...Miriam!! Look for an email in your inbox soon, girl!


  1. SQUEEEE!!!! I am so excited! Thank you, thank you (though I should probably thank or wherever did the choosing, haha!)!!

    I love your blog and I love your honesty. :) I'm also finding it hard to blog regularly even though I have SO much I want to write (mostly for memories' sake). Happy 1 less stress! :)

  2. Oh, it was such a relief to read this because we are in the middle of a season that I am really struggling with. 2 in hard. 2 when your husband has been out of town 4 times since the baby was born and is trying to work 3rd shift this week is harder. I mean, I am still praising God for his job I promise. Why is it so hard to accept these seasons? I don't know. My mom is always telling me "this is temporary" but it's hard to see that in the thick of it. Being surrounded by so many people IS a blessing. I have been praying for that very thing in my life. I have learned the difficulty of making friends quickly after moving to a small town.

  3. Hang in there! I know, I know, I know!!! (but now, my kids are 6 and 5, it's soooo much more easier and relaxed!!!!) You are doing the best job in the world, so be nice to yourself Alicia... I'm sending you my love from Holland!
    Love Amelie

  4. Enjoy your fam time!! Did you see that I was scarce online as well. It's a season. Snuggle with the babies for as long as they'll let us! :)

  5. Alicia, so good to check in on you. I so understand your blogging issue and time. Blogging will still be here long after your boys are grown and gone. So, don't worry, just blog when you can enjoy it and we'll all be here waiting for you.

    Blessings abundant!

  6. I will miss TNAT!! But I will still keep up with your blog, as it is one of my favorites if not my favorite!!! It sounds like your life is very full with meaningful people and things. You are right to put the blog on the backburner and enjoy this busy and blessed time!

  7. Found your blog. Wow. I've been having so many fears about this season of life that I want so desperately but am not yet in. I'm 27 and single and I've had many opportunities for your season of life, I suppose, but I've pushed them away in fear. I've been praying about my readiness for this season I hope for. I know it will be somewhat difficult (just like this season is) but I know that it will also have many blessings (just as your blog honestly attests) I can't tell you how encouraging this post was to me, how much anxiety it relieved.

    Thank you.

    From a stranger, who hopefully won't be a stranger when we're with Him up there!

    Blessings to you!

  8. I know this post was months ago, but I just had to tell you that you aren't alone. I'm still in that phase it seems (as evidence by my instagram fee). The motto at our house? "Babies before Blogging"...hope all is well with you. Maybe we'll bump into each other online sometime after this crazy season!

  9. This is beautiful Alecia! We have so much in common I think! life is busy with these little ones, but writing can be a great way to release some of the pressure! And it is so wonderful that it is a hobby that we are free to ignore when other things come up too! (i re-learned that this week when the stomach flu hit our house!)

    Nice to meet you!


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