Monday, October 10, 2011

Menu Plan, Goals, and the Potty Training Saga

If you had stopped by randomly last week you would have been greeted by an unusual scene in our house. Me, probably still in my pajamas. Squishy, running around in his undies. Andrew, asleep all day in the back bedroom. A potty in the kitchen. Books scattered all over the floor. Abnormal was the theme. Andrew was working nightshift at the hospital, which added a funny twist to our schedule. And then I decided to tackle potty training while I still have some energy left during this pregnancy.


By the end of the week, things were feeling pretty topsy-turvey. We had taken a couple of steps back with potty training, which was slightly discouraging after all the work that had gone into it. But then, ahhhhh, the weekend! We got out of the house, saw friends, went on a date, and had our 1st accident free day yesterday. A milestone!

My cute date tonight
My cute date

Late night Settlers matches...#weekendfun
Most hilarious Settlers game I've ever played...

Squish and I are still plugging away with the potty training this week, but I'm hoping it will be a little less intense. We're falling into more of a routine with the whole process. At least momentarily.

With everything going on, I knew that planning for this week would be really helpful. So here are my ideas for meals:

Breakfasts: Oatmeal, Toast with jam, Eggs, Cold Cereal
Lunches: Leftovers, Sandwiches

Monday--Tex Mex Chicken and Rice Casserole with The Best Broccoli Of Your Life
Tuesday-- Sausage, Potato, and Kale Soup with Homemade Baguettes
Wednesday--Salad Night with Baked Sweet Potatoes
Thursday--Chipotle Chicken with Peppers
Friday--Pizza Night
Saturday--Potentially out of town

Like I suspected, some of my weekly goals went out the window since I decided to spend most of my week doing potty-training laundry and sitting on the floor reading books about bodily functions to my almost 2 year old. But I was pleasantly surprised at what did get done!
  • Write Immaculate. Yay! Finally accomplished.
  • Write a letter to a friend. Not yet.
  • Exercise 3 times. I exercised twice. This was one of the things that got pushed aside, since I was a bit nervous at first to go on long walks with Squishy with no potty nearby (kind of silly, really). But by the end of the week, we'd gone on two walks with no accidents! Yay!
  • Read 2 chapters of The Mission of Motherhood. Yes! Only 1 chapter left!
  • Buy potty training supplies (ooooooh!). Did that and more.
  • Resume work on wedding scrapbook. I actually did this during a long naptime on Saturday. I'm going to keep working on it...hoping to finish before baby comes.
  • Organize last kitchen cabinet. That pesky cabinet. Will it ever get crossed off the list?

4 1/2 years later, I'm working on our wedding scrapbook. Look at those baby faces!
Aw, fun memories of our wedding day when I worked on our scrapbook...
And now for this week's goals: 
  • Continue potty training!
  • Exercise x 3.
  • Organize that last remaining kitchen cabinet. I mean it this week!!
  • Write my friend a letter. 
  • Work for 1 hour on our wedding scrapbook.
  • Plant herb seeds.
  • Bake bread (something I've only done once during this pregnancy!).
  • Read the last chapter of The Mission of Motherhood and write an outline for a blog post reviewing it.
  • Gather some supplies for our Operation Christmas Child shoebox.
  • Lastly, I have a marriage goal to work on that I'm not going to tell you about until next week. It's an experiment of sorts, and I can't blow my cover, cause my hubby sometimes reads my blog!

That's a rather long list for this week. I'm sure a few things fall to the wayside, but we'll give it a shot! Who knows, potty training might take all my energy again. It's all an adventure. :)

Linked to Menu Plan Monday.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love your wedding picture!! You haven't changed at all :) I'd also say that with all you had going on last week with potty-training, you did really great with your list! (Better than mine and we're NOT potty-training, haha!) I hope this week goes well for you and that you get that LAST kitchen cabinet done :)

  3. I have not played that game yet...not the potty one...played/playing that, but Settlers. =p You better go work on that kitchen cabinet...and me? I need to make my to-do list now. =p hehe Have a great week!!


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