Friday, February 19, 2010

My Life Lately

This past month and a half has been really lovely. I have been able to stay home with Little W and my husband has not had to take any classes (all done with his prereqs), so he is just working, which is a nice change of pace. Little W and I have settled into somewhat of a routine where he wakes up at the same time each morning, which helps the rest of the day fall into place. I am soaking up the time we have together as a family, since I know that will be much harder to have when my sweetheart starts his breakneck program in June.

Here are some of the highlights of my life now:
  • Little W. He's almost 3 months old! He is growing fast, but at the same time, I feel like I have been able to savor these months. Among his accomplishments are smiling, finding his hands, and rolling over a grand total of 3 times (not consistent with that yet). He is starting to coo and he watches us with his eyes when we go in and out of a room. I love him so much.
  • I started back to work--one day a week--this Wednesday. I was nervous that I would have forgotten things (I work in a 20 bed med/surg/cardiovascular intensive care unit), but no fear. I've worked there too long for that. It was nice to see everyone and I was grateful to be able to give my patients very good care, but it was strange knowing Little W was back at home with my mom! By the end of the day, I was so eager to see him and my sweet husband.
  • The kitchen has been messy with my creative efforts lately! I'm having such a blast making things I've never made before. On that note...
  • I've fallen in love with The Pioneer Woman's cooking! I got her cookbook for my birthday (thanks, sweetie!) and I have already made Chicken Spagetti, homemade guacamole, sour cream pancakes, meatballs, red velvet cake, and blueberry cobbler! Oh my goodness.
  • It's time to lose the baby weight! I started a thirty day workout routine and am looking forward to seeing results. It would be really nice to fit into my pre-pregnancy clothes again.
  • My most recent challenge that I've set before myself is learning about a different country every month. Geography one of my weakest subjects. How can I have a heart for the nations when I hardly know anything about them? So, I'm checking out books from the library and each month I'm going to experiment with making some of the cuisine of the particular country I'm studying. In light of recent events, this month I'm studying Haiti.
I'm sure there's more, but my eyes are about to fall out of my head because I'm so tired! Off to bed...

Love, Alicia


  1. What fun you are having! I love your idea of studying different countries. I'm taking a Missions class right now and we have to read a lot of Operation World and pray for specific countires each week. You may have heard of that book before, but if you haven't, you should check it out! You would love it!

  2. Wow! You have a lot going on right now, but having a little one in the house makes life interesting and lots of fun. They change so quickly. We used cloth diapers with our first two and loved them, though we were one of the few that did. So nice to see more families using them now.

    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. There is a link on that entry at the bottom, that shows you how we make our wipes. We love them! The container we use is not available anymore, but I always take a roll of Bounty with me to the storrage aisle and see which one works best to fit 1/2 roll in it. I have given them as baby gifts before and the moms love them! It won't let me post the link here. Let me know if you have any more questions.


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